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Posted March 21, 2023in Letters

Evans misled by article about the 303 Creative case

Randy Evans, who is usually a defender of the First Amendment, has been misled by a New York Times article, written by David Cole, the national legal director of the [...]

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Posted October 05, 2016in Letters

Listen with open minds

I’ve heard some discouraging remarks since Hillary fell ill — but wait. Most conclusions are not easily or wisely jumped to. Let’s take some time off the voter-decision trail and [...]

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Posted August 31, 2016in Letters

Walk the line? Never!

Women can make the difference in this election, and women should and must stand together for our rights and the rights of those girls and boys in generations to come. [...]

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Posted August 11, 2016in Letters

How will I function?

Woe is me (picture my hand palm side up on my forehead!) How will I function those four weeks in between issues of Cityview?  How can I carry on without my [...]

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