Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Frequently Asked Questions


With so much information online today, do people still read print publications? ANSWER

Do you have any digital options? ANSWER

Is advertising with you going to work? ANSWER

I have never advertised before. Do I really need to? ANSWER

How much does an ad cost? ANSWER

CNA - 988LifeLine.org (2) (Feb. 2025)CNA - 988LifeLine.orgCNA - HIV/STI (Feb. 2025)CNA - RSV (Feb. 2025)

What if my ads don’t produce the results I expected? ANSWER

Do I have to pay in advance? ANSWER

Are your readers my customers or potential customers? ANSWER

Do I have to sign a contract? ANSWER

If l advertise, will you write a story on me? ANSWER

How do I create an ad? ANSWER

My competitors don’t advertise with you; why should I? ANSWER

Word of mouth advertising works best for my business. Why should I do anything else? ANSWER

Do you charge for design service fees? ANSWER

Do I get a discount if I supply the ad? ANSWER


How is CITYVIEW distributed? ANSWER

Who owns the company? ANSWER

How long has CITYVIEW been in business? ANSWER

Can I advertise once and see how it works? ANSWER

How do I get the word out about my business in Des Moines? ANSWER

What other print options are available? ANSWER

What is branding advertising? ANSWER

I don’t know what I should advertise. ANSWER

What ad size should I buy? ANSWER

Does color cost extra? ANSWER

To learn about advertising and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Aaron Burns at 515-953-4822 ext. 330 or aaron@dmcityview.com.


  1. I am from the Ankeny Area Historical Society. How do we get our open houses and events listed in CityView?

    1. Go to dmicytivew.com/calendar that can be found on top of our webpage and submit event. It will give you the fields to enter any event to our calendar online.