Sunday, February 9, 2025

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Iowa Artist

Ally Frame


Ally Frame, a graphic designer turned illustrator and muralist, enjoys creating whimsical and lighthearted artwork.

A friendly raccoon on a skateboard. A pink rabbit eating ice cream. 

These are just a couple of the animal illustrations artist Ally Frame creates. That’s her goal: to create happy and lighthearted artwork.

“I want bright colors and joyful art that makes people smile,” she said.

Her illustrations appear on the sides of local buildings. A mural in the East Village shows a colorful state capitol building, while a Frida Kahlo mural appears on the side of the Manhattan Deli. 

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She works out of her home studio and took the full-time artist plunge after a stint working as a graphic designer. 

Frame, drawn to art as a child, spent a lot of time drawing and painting with her “creative dad.” In high school, when it came time to select a career, she chose graphic design.

“I thought that career was going to make me some money,” she recalled.

She attended the University of Nebraska and moved back to Des Moines in 2017, where she worked in an office doing graphic design. During the pandemic, she quit her job.

Underpass mural at the bike trail on the corner of E.P. True and Jordan Creek parkways

“The fluorescent lights drain you. I didn’t like sitting in an office behind a desk,” she said. “I like to get out in the fresh air. Working on deadlines stresses me out.”

While painting the East Village mural, it was a different vibe as she interacted with curious onlookers.

“Seeing how the community responds was cool,” she said. “The actual process of painting such a large mural is really calming.”

The painting offsets a less pleasant task — marketing her artwork.

“I’m a shy person, and getting out in front of people is a challenge. I’d be happy at home, but it’s not good for business,” she reflected. “It’s weird to sell — it’s like your heart and soul, trying to convince people to buy — it’s like a piece of you.”

Frame has embraced social media to sell her artwork. Her Instagram page, @latergatorart, reflects a playful logo in the name of her former roller derby team, the Alligators. She gains inspiration from other Instagram artists. Yet, she realizes the platform is fleeting. 

Frieda Kahlo mural at Manhattan Deli, 3705 Ingersoll Ave., Des Moines

“I appreciate the validation by having a lot of followers. It’s great for business, but it can hurt or suppress them. I try not to take compliments too seriously. I try not to let others’ opinions affect my art. You have to find the right audience and get it in front of the right set of eyes.”

As she was raised to respect the environment, she strives to incorporate nature in her artwork.

“When I’m in the flow, my brain is calm,” she said. “It’s like taking a break from the world and just existing. Life can be serious. But with art, you don’t need to be serious.”

View Ally Frame’s artwork at the Ankeny Winter Art Market on Nov. 19, her Instagram page @latergatorart or website,

Mural in East Village at E. Fifth Street and E. Grand Avenue

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