Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Posted April 18, 2024in Morain


Tax bills in the Iowa Legislature have always been approved or disapproved by simple majorities. If most legislators want to raise taxes, or lower them, they do it the usual [...]

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Posted April 11, 2024in Morain

Weather-related damage is driving up property insurance costs

Our homeowner’s insurance carrier a few weeks ago sent me our annual premium notice for the 12-month period beginning April 10, 2024. The valuations of our house, garage, and personal [...]

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Posted March 28, 2024in Morain


What rights do Palestinians possess? Are they citizens of any nation? The answers to those questions are murky at best, particularly right now with war raging in Gaza. Technically, under [...]

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Posted March 21, 2024in Morain


Want to get away from it all? The daily grind, the tough-to-solve challenges, the folks who bug you, the recurring insoluble problems? For a few weeks there’s a possible solution: [...]

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Posted March 14, 2024in Morain


Two events within a few months of each other 75 years ago forever altered the political and military landscape of the world. Their combined effects play an all-powerful role in [...]

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Posted March 07, 2024in Morain


I had a heart attack Tuesday evening of last week. All is well. Tuesday about 7 p.m. I was sitting at the press table at the Jefferson City Council meeting, [...]

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Posted February 22, 2024in Morain


House File 2544 survived last week’s funnel deadline in the Iowa Legislature. It now awaits consideration in the state House of Representatives. If I were a public school social studies [...]

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Posted February 08, 2024in Morain


I don’t remember when or where I learned The National Anthem, or the other American patriotic songs, or The Pledge of Allegiance. I know I was pretty young when I [...]

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Posted February 01, 2024in Morain


Congressional leaders for more than four months have been negotiating a major agreement to fund military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan; provide humanitarian aid to people in a number [...]

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Posted January 23, 2024in Morain

Railing against a ‘stolen election’

The election of 1824 tested the Constitution as never before or since. The presidential election of 2024 will in all probability be decided in the usual fashion, with a candidate [...]

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