Sunday, May 5, 2024

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No one deserves to be bullied


Your recent headline questioned whether the Gortz Haus owners “like Gays” (Civic Skinny, Oct. 17), but this question was overshadowed by the article’s inclusion of a sampling of the vitriolic anonymous emails the Odgaards received from people who feel differently than they. The crude, hateful, vulgar and obscene comments, along with the character assassination the Odgaards have had to endure from people who don’t even know them, is the real story. Regardless of how one stands on the issue, I can assure you that such diatribe will not go far in changing opinions or making points. I personally know the Odgaards as gentle, kind and hard-working people running their own business and who, no doubt, have gotten caught up in a debate of strongly held legal and religious arguable differences with many, (some even in their own faith), but also in a cesspool of those who hide behind the anonymity of the Internet and are out to retaliate and cause even more hurt.

Suddenly I can also get in touch with the many young teens who find themselves bullied in this same uncivilized forum. It is not a pretty sight, and I hope these responses are coming from people outside the state and not civil-minded Iowans. Thanks for showcasing what people who take stands on controversial issues, right or wrong in our eyes, must sometimes endure. I agree with the article’s closing statement, “So much for civil discourse.”

Lloyd Kaufman
–Des Moines


Goals are not promises

Civic Skinny (Oct. 17) reported that non-farm employment in Iowa is up about 30,000 “….since Gov. Branstad took office more than 2.5 years ago promising to create 200,000 jobs in five years.” I have no quarrel with your figures, but in the next paragraph you (correctly) quote the Governor setting a goal of 200,000 jobs. Goals are not promises and are often set high to make us do our best to reach them. Most of us have at some time set a goal, not a promise, to lose X number of pounds!

CNA - Stop HIV IowaCNA - Immunizations

Civic Skinny could play a small part in helping Iowans reach that admittedly lofty goal by being positive once in awhile.

Don Paulin


What’s a unit, and why is it so costly?

The Money column, “Paid for by Taxpayers in…” Polk County during the week of Oct. 7 shows payments to a “healthcare provider” for “Green card paperwork, chart review and meeting with legislators” was all reimbursed based on hours.

On-call work payment was based on units. What’s a unit, and why is it four times the hourly rate?

Mike Rowley


Councilman Moore has worked hard for our neighborhoods

The City of Des Moines is made up of neighborhoods. We need a down-to-Earth representative on the council who will represent all citizens. Des Moines city councilman Skip Moore has given more than 26 years of neighborhood leadership and more than 38 years of public service to the City of Des Moines.

Mr. Moore listens, asks tough questions and gets things done. He is a candidate who will represent the entire City of Des Moines, not the interests of just one ward or one segment of our community. He works every day to make Des Moines a better place to live and raise a family for everyday citizens.

Councilman Moore has worked hard for our neighborhoods and will always keep in mind that he works for the citizens of Des Moines.

Mitch Henry
–Des Moines


Shame on your photographer

This is the most disgusting photo I have ever seen!!!! (Opening Shot, Oct. 10). Can’t believe someone would pose like this and someone would take a picture of it. And then to print it… Doesn’t say much for our city.

Dianne Barkley
–West Des Moines


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