Sunday, May 5, 2024

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Mentally ill people are not the problem


To ask your readers on your Facebook page how to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill is ableist and disingenuous. The vast majority of violent acts (including acts of gun violence) are not committed by mentally ill people. In fact, mentally ill people are more likely to be targets of violence than neurotypicals. Peter Spaulding’s suggestion of internment camps and eugenics is appalling and literally what the Nazis did. I don’t make that comparison very often, but here it definitely applies.

Julie Luepke
-Windsor Heights

How could you? I eagerly await each issue of Cityview to do the Matt Jones crossword puzzle and am so disappointed to find it replaced by the new and lame Games page. That group of puzzles belongs in Junior Scholastic. Bring back Matt! Thank you.

Robert A. Burnett Jr.
-Des Moines

Iowa should not become a dictatorship|
Gov. Branstad’s Department of Revenue is in the process of rewriting its administrative rules to allow large corporations a $37 million ongoing tax cut without approval from the Iowa Legislature. With this loss of income, will Branstad again cut needed funding to public schools? Iowa’s early leaders identified the need for public education for all Iowa’s children by investing in town and rural public schools as well as universities. One-room schoolhouses were organized throughout Iowa. Our federal government offered college education to our veterans after World War II, which provided our country with more professionals such as doctors and scientists. Others benefited from the National Defense Student Act of 1958 that provided low interest and easy payment college loans. Our country felt that an educated society was our best defense. When I was in high school, we were proud that Iowa ranked No. 1 in public school education. Unfortunately, under the leadership of our longest-serving governor, Iowa has dramatically slipped in the rankings. While other states have stepped up their investment in public education, Iowa has failed to make education a priority. Please contact your state legislators, urging them to call for a special session to vote on ARC 2178C. Iowa should continue our representative governance and not become a dictatorship.

CNA - Stop HIV IowaCNA - Immunizations

Julie Stewart Ziesman

Democrats focus on substance, GOP on emails
The greatest line of the Democrats’ debate Tuesday night may have been from Bernie Sanders, but the greatest beneficiary was clearly Hillary Clinton. Sanders came to Clinton’s defense on her email issue by saying, “But I think the secretary is right and that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!” He followed up by expressing his frustration with the media’s obsession on her emails by reiterating, “enough of the emails.” Both Clinton and Sanders want to talk about issues with the American people and are getting distracted with fringe subjects. Sanders referenced emails and dispatched them quickly as a phony distraction. That should be a model for eliminating phony diversions in the upcoming debates with Republicans. Democrats can’t allow the Republicans to frame debates based on the trivial. The eventual Democratic candidate must be laser-focused on issues critical to improving the lives of American voters, not frivolous character attacks. The focus on superficial issues, as opposed to real substantive issues, was the great contrast separating Republicans and Democrats in their debate subjects.

Rick Smith

Marty Mauk is driven with the conviction and courage to do the right thing

Marty Mauk will work every day to make sure Des Moines is a better place to live and raise a family. Marty and his wife, Marilyn, have lived on Des Moines’ northeast side for more than 35 years. They have two adult children and four grandchildren.

Marty understands the importance of community. He has a long history of neighborhood involvement and community service. He has served on more than a few boards, commissions and neighborhood associations over the past 20 years.

Marty Mauk is someone of impeccable character, driven with the conviction and courage to do the right thing without wavering. Marty will fight for our neighborhoods and working families. Marty Mauk deserves your vote for Des Moines City Council Ward 2 on Nov. 3.

Mitchell Henry
-Des Moines

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