Friday, May 3, 2024

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First Cooney’s Tavern is left off of Cityview’s checklist of 100 favorite bars. Then Braveheart’s own descendants vote to keep themselves under the rule of the Queen.

Being 1/256th Irish and 1/512th Scottish, this has been a tough week.

I think I will start to work on that checklist immediately.

Mike Rowley

Climate change denial

The Political Mercury (Sept. 18) summarized the Clinton’s star power appearance at the final Harkin Steak Fry that inspired and motivated thousands of Democrats attending.

CNA - ImmunizationsCNA - Stop HIV Iowa

However, there was another powerful political force on the ground and working the audience that may be decisive in the Iowa U.S. Senate race. NextGen, Climate Change activists, were visible everywhere, and it seemed a majority of the 10,000 attendees had been stickered with the “Vote on Climate” message. Their message is to hold candidates and elected officials accountable, to demand they address solutions in order to avoid climate disaster, and to bring climate change to the forefront of American politics.

NextGen is running TV, radio and newspaper ads in Iowa primarily to expose Republican candidate Joni Ernst’s refusal to acknowledge the reality of climate change. Ernst says she hasn’t “seen proven proof” of climate change. In addition, Nextgen has focused on her close ties and funding from the Koch Brothers, who oppose climate change solutions.

The Senate election in Iowa could turn on how effectively NextGen Iowa activists raise the awareness of Iowans to be climate voters and reject Ernst for her climate change denial.

Rick Smith


Are Republican candidates in some sort of bizarre competition to produce the most obnoxious and/or annoying campaign ads? Most of their ads don’t clearly identify who sponsored or paid for the ads. What are they trying to hide? Are all of their ads paid for by the Koch brothers?

Gov. Brandstad’s ads misrepresent and overstate his record and his accomplishments while in office. David Young’s soft-spoken, contrived folksiness is unsettling, and Joni Ernst is much too…earnest. The lot of them brings to mind a quote from George Burns: “Sincerity is everything. If you can fake that, you have got it made.”

Greg Lee
–Des Moines

CORRECTIONS: Orlondo’s address and phone number were listed incorrectly in our 100 Favorite Bars issue last week. The correct information is 4337 Park Ave., Des Moines, 515-244-3637. We apologize for the error. The same issue also misspelled Loulou Kane’s name in the Art Pimp column. We apologize for the errors.

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