Sunday, May 5, 2024

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Uh, lady, remember how Hillary lost last go ’round?


This evening I was sitting in my favorite watering hole sipping a pint, when a man and his VERY chatty female date sat down next to me and began a non-stop discussion over a Cityview cartoon by the ever-talented Brian Duffy. It depicted the forthcoming coronation of Hillary R. Clinton in the 2016 elections. 

Chatty gal just gushed! “Oh, she is unbeatable! She just has to show up, and it’s hers!” 

Now, it is simply not in my nature to leave such a ludicrous statement alone, so, I inserted myself into the conversation with a bit of political history.

The exact same forecast was pronounced during the 2008 Caucus! Hilly would run over the competition like a rampaging juggernaut! She was SO well known, SO loved, she had SO much experience that NOBODY would come close!

And what were the results that cold January night? She came in a distant THIRD!

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After my brief history tutorial, the chatty gal clammed up like an oyster sucking a lemon. Her date, furious that his gabby gal’s mood had been turned to ice, threw money down for their unfinished drinks, and they both stormed off into the equally frosty night.

Isn’t history fun?

James Bradley Robinson III
–Des Moines


Appel’s unpaid debts

I read with interest your discussion of Brad Zaun and his paying in full the small amount he owed in 2010 (Civic Skinny, Feb. 6). While it is terrific that Mr. Zaun paid his small debts in full way back then, I missed your commentary about the finances of his presumed opponent in the third district congressional race, democrat Staci Appel.

Did Ms. Appel, who was on the board of Tallgrass Grocery in West Des Moines, pay back the more than $51,000 in debts owed to creditors in the business bankruptcy(Business Record, Oct. 15, 2012) after only 11 months in operation? Was theState of Iowa, which was also a creditor, paid back in full? What about vendors and investors?

I clearly must have just overlooked that in your article. I look forward to your clarification.

John Elliott
–West Des Moines

EDITOR’S NOTE: Staci Appel was one of many directors of Tallgrass Grocery, a grocery cooperative on Fifth Street in Valley Junction. It filed for bankruptcy in October of 2012. The debts of a company filing for bankruptcy do not accrue to its directors, so Appel, unlike Zaun, was not ignoring any creditors, was not taken to court, did not have any wages garnished, and was not a deadbeat.

Send your opinions to Cityview, 414 61st Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50312. Fax us at 953-1394, or e-mail us at Please limit letters to 200 words or less. Cityview reserves the right to edit for length and clarity. The writer’s address and daytime phone number will not be  printed, but must be given for verification.

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