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People & Pets

Martini and Frank


Frank and Martini

When Liz Warner was growing up, she was afraid of dogs and avoided them during her elementary school years. 

When she went to college, a friend had a miniature dachshund, and her fear dissipated. So much so, she fell in love with the dog. It was then she realized she did like dogs and wanted one of her own. A dachshund was the perfect choice for her.

Four years ago, she acquired Martini, a dachshund. A few months later, the COVID pandemic occurred. Like everyone else, her lifestyle was altered. “Martini gave me purpose,” she recalls. “There wasn’t much else to do.”

Two years later, she saw a four-month-old corgi online. The dog had nearly died after receiving his shots, and the owners called him Lucky — since he was still alive.

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She named him Frank, but his luck continued. Once again, he was close to death shortly after she got him. Frank chewed through her electric blanket and electrocuted himself at Liz’s home. “Luckily, he was fine. He went to the hospital. He’s testing out his seven lives as a dog.”

Martini and Frank get along — most of the time. Initially, since Martini was the first dog, a power struggle ensued. “She was hesitant with Frank,” Liz says. “Now they hang out and sit together. They don’t fight, but they’re not necessarily soul dogs either.” 

Liz Warner and her “short-legged” dogs

Frank is now 2 years old and loves attention from anyone. Liz works from home, so she’s available to provide the ball at his command. “He wants the ball thrown at all times,” she says. “He loves his toys. Whenever someone comes to the door, he brings a toy, as if asking to play with him. Playing is his M.O.”

She often brings one dog to various dog-friendly spots such as Paws and Pints and local pubs where they can hang out on the patio. 

But, it seems Frank, who is a big meat and cheese lover, has overindulged a bit and is now on a diet. “He and Martini’s ears always perk up when they hear the word ‘treat.’ ” 

In her job, Liz is in charge of a company’s social media. Since she’s adept at posting and tweeting, Liz established an Instagram account featuring her two dogs, @martiniandfrank.

She dresses them up in different outfits, harnesses and costumes for various holidays and events. She posts funny videos and reels. With more than 5,000 followers, they’re a popular duo.

“They’re very photogenic. If I let them, they could sit on the deck and sunbathe all day,” she says.

Liz prefers her short-legged dogs, both for the cuddle factor and helping her stay active. “They get you up and get moving on walks and throwing the ball. I like having someone around. They’re always there for you,” she reflects. “They are very forgiving and loving. They offer unconditional love.” ♦

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