Friday, May 3, 2024

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Can’t see the target


Years ago I rode on the bus with a loquacious blind man. One day he told us that he was going to buy a power saw and explained why it would be perfectly safe. We didn’t see him for a while, and the next time he got on the bus his hands and arms were bandaged to the elbow. He couldn’t see the blade.

The reason there is no law against a blind person carrying a gun is that even a fool knows they should not. They can’t see the target.

Bonnye Wall
–Des Moines


Who better than a Canadian?

The junior Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, was in Iowa this past weekend. I watched his appearances on television. Here is one idea that could work: Ted Cruz is from Canada. Since 1991, they have had a government-sponsored socialized medicine program in Canada. Who better than a Canadian to get a handle on Obamacare and make it work?

CNA - ImmunizationsCNA - Stop HIV Iowa
Gary Thelen
–West Des Moines


They don’t make film critics like Ebert anymore

(Cole Smithey, Cityview film reviewer) represents the facile low-intelligent viewing public mindset, which cater to their own lowest and banal cravings and wishes when picking entertainment rather than to expand their minds, leave their comfort zones and narrow outlook by properly reviewing movies for literary entertainment value vs. promoting high levels of pabulum pandering, per his recent “12 years a Slave” movie review (Oct. 23), which was dreadful and uncalled for. Maybe I’ve been spoiled by deceased Roger Ebert.

Chris Butts
–Des Moines


Ankeny Dems urging open participation

Citizens of Polk County are organizing into different local groups in order to bring more attention to what is happening in local, county, state and federal governments. Ankeny Area Democrats is one of those local groups. It is organized into a PAC group with a governing constitution, officers and a treasury that is reported to the Iowa Finance Disclosure Commission.

Meetings and events which are open to the public are held to highlight candidates, officer holders and issues that concern Ankeny voters, whether it is partisan or non-partisan elections. The group also helps the county party with its candidates and issues. An Internet website called is maintained with meeting and event announcements. Under the tab “About us” there is a list of all the officers with their phone numbers and email addresses listed.

You may know them as friends, neighbors or fellow church members. A large email list of participants is maintained as well. Any questions about the group contact any of the officers listed on the website. Groups like Ankeny Area Democrats are a great way for Polk County citizens to become more locally involved in candidates and issues.

Gary Schmidt


Send your opinions to Cityview, 414 61st Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50312. Fax us at 953-1394, or e-mail us at Please limit letters to 200 words or less. Cityview reserves the right to edit for length and clarity. The writer’s address and daytime phone number will not be printed, but must be given for verification.

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